We select relevant experts to solve business problems

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What can an expert help with?


Shape a product development strategy and make its implementation plan

Advise on selecting key metrics and decompose them into team goals


Support at all stages of launching new business lines

Direct you on operational processes to control costs, scale, and ensure business longevity

Product management

Help to highlight the key product values

Explain how to develop processes of a product market fit search and continuous hypothesis testing

Provide knowledge and experience in creating a team product culture


Audit current technical problems

Help to select the most relevant IT tools for business

Reveal secrets of new IT solutions implementation

Provide knowledge and experience in creating a team product culture

Data Science and Analytics

Advise on the creation of a data collection and analysis system at the business level

Audit the current system and develop its improvement plan

Highly specialized expertise

Solve a highly specialized business task of any complexity level

Why is working with an expert more efficient than hiring or consulting?

  • As a person outside the team, an expert can look at the business from a distance and see opportunities for growth and development.
  • Hiring an external specialist or growing a team member is time-consuming.
    It may take several months from the start of the candidate search to the offer. Next, onboarding a new employee requires the team’s involvement.
    Hiring an external expert for a short-term task is faster and less expensive.
  • The expert has solved many cases and tasks.
    Thus, they have impressive experience, proven techniques, and efficient tools to achieve business goals.
  • НTo dive into the project and go through multiple bureaucratic procedures, a consulting company needs from 2 to 6 months.
    Hiring an expert is easy and takes about a week.

Experts solve the tasks of companies of different scales and geography:

From startups at the product launch stage to large technology corporations
We help companies in different regions, being mainly focused on Russia, CIS countries, and Europe
Want to work with an expert?
Leave your contacts and describe the business task.
Leave a request

Every Product and team is unique, as are business tasks.

Therefore, we select an expert based on how their experience correlates with your goals and needs.

Порядок работы

  1. Application with a description of the task or project

    • Do you know what expert to choose? Specify them in the application
    • Need help to decide on an expert? Send a request, and we will contact you to select the most fit specialist
  2. Acquaintance with an expert

    • On a free call, we will get acquainted with the team and the tasks you face.
    • Set goals for working with an expert.
    • Discuss all conditions of working process
  3. Contract and the start of work

    • The platform takes over contract creation and all calculations.
    • Payment is made by invoice.